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This page should serve as an overview of IPv6 related operating system commands and their usage. It’s copy&paste-friendly, but you use it at your own risk.

Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)

ping -6 or ping6send ICMPv6 echo request to network host
ping localhost ::1
ping link local address via interface eth0
ping6 ::1
ping6 fe80::a2b5:49ff:fe60:f3c0%eth0
ip -6 route or
route -6 or
netstat -r6
show IPv6 routing table
show IPv6 routing table using netstat
show route for destination 2001::
show route cache (destination cache)
add routing entries
delete routing entries
flush default route entries
flush route for destination 2001::
ip -6 route
netstat -rn6
ip -6 route get 2001::
ip -6 route list cache
ip -6 route add ::/0 via 2001::2 dev eth0
ip -6 route del ::/0 via 2001::2 dev eth0
ip -6 route flush default
ip -6 route flush 2001::
ip -6 neigh
ip -6 ntable
show neighbor cache table
show neighbor discovery information [for device eth0]
ip -6 neigh show
ip -6 ntable show [dev eth0]
ip -6 addrshow configured IPv6 addresses
Add IPv6 addresses
Delete IPv6 addresses
Show configured multicast addresses
ip -6 addr show [dev eth0]
ip -6 addr add 2001::1/64 dev eth0
ip -6 addr del 2001::1/64 dev eth0
ip -6 maddr
ip -6 maddrShow multicast groups joined by hostip -6 maddr show
ip -6 neighAdd/delete IPv6 neighbors (IPv6 address => MAC address) ip -6 neigh add fe80::3 lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:55 dev eth0
ip -6 neigh del fe80::3 lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:55 dev eth0
/proc/sys/net/ipv6Enable/disable IPv6 forwarding (routing)echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
netstat -6show active IPv6 internet connectionsnetstat -pnat6
ip -6 addrlabel
Show address selection policy informationip -6 addrlabel show
cat /etc/gai.conf


ping -6send ICMPv6 echo request to network hostping -6
Show network configuration informationipconfig /all
netsh interface ipv6 show eth0
netshShow configured IPv6 addressesnetsh interface ipv6 show address
Show configured IPv6 routes (Default Route has destination ::/0)route print -6
netsh interface ipv6 show route
netshShow list of neighborsnetsh interface ipv6 show neighbors
netshShow advertised prefixesnetsh interface ipv6 show siteprefixes  netsh interface ipv6 show potentialrouters 
netshSet an IPv6 addressnetsh interface ipv6 set address interface=”LAN Connection” address=2a01::1/64 store=active/persistent
netshSet an IPv6 routenetsh interface ipv6 set route ::/0 “LAN Connection” 2a02::2 0 2 yes 5000 5000
netshShow MTU of interfacesnetsh interface ipv6 show subinterfaces
netshLookup neighbor cachenetsh interface ipv6 show neighbors
netshSet neighbor netsh interface ipv6 set neighbors interface=”LAN Connection” address=”fec0::2″
neighbor=”12-34-56-78-9a-bc” store=active/persistent
netshEnable forwardingnetsh interface ipv6 set interface interface=”LAN Connection” forwarding=enabled store=active/persistent
netshDisable Privacy Extensionsnetsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=disabled store=persistent => Reboot
netshEnable SLAAC EUI-64 address generationnetsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=persistent
netshStatus of Teredo / ISATAP / 6to4 Tunnelnetsh interface ipv6 show teredo
netsh interface ipv6 isatap show mode|state|router
netsh interface ipv6 6to4 show interface|relay|routing|state 


ping6send ICMPv6 echo request to network hostping6
ifconfigShow interface informationifconfig en0
ifconfigConfigure interfaceman ifconfig
more coming soon